Linda Thai LMSW (she, her) is a trauma therapist who specializes in cutting edge brain- and body-based modalities for the healing of complex developmental trauma.
As an educator and consultant, she is gifted with the capacity to contextualize, synthesize and communicate complex and nuanced issues pertaining to the impact of oppressive systems upon identity, mental health and wellbeing, and the invisibilized wounds of racial trauma and attachment trauma.
Linda is passionate about breaking the cycle of historical and intergenerational trauma at the individual and community levels, and deeply believes in the healing power of coming together in community to grieve.
Born in Vietnam, raised in Australia, and now living in Alaska, Linda is a former child refugee who is not only redefining what it means to be Vietnamese, to be Australian, and to be a United States-ian....she is redefining what it means to be wounded and whole and a healer.
Connecting with the community is an important part of Linda's work. Below are some examples of where she has taught in the past couple of years.
∞ Science and Non Duality. Rethinking Attachment Towards Relational Wholeness.
∞ Highmark Caring Place. Grief Interrupted Conference, Keynote. War: The Grief of a Former Child Refugee.
∞ Association for Women in Psychology 2024 Annual Conference. Keynote. Re-thinking Attachment: Re-visioning and Expanding Our Conceptualization of Secure Attachment.
∞ Attach(e)ment, Resilience & Trauma Summit 2024. Keynote. Stuck in Survival: Fawning & Appeasement as Survival Strategies.
∞ Psychotherapy Networker 2024. Workshop: Adult Children of Refugees.
∞ Fairbanks Native Association. Elders Talking Circles: The Legacy of the Historical Trauma of Colonization.
∞ Trauma Research Foundation. Social Justice Summit. Keynote. Fawning, Appeasement and the Somatics of Trauma within the Dynamics of Oppressive Systems.
∞ Trauma Research Foundation. TRF Tuesdays. Trauma Education 101.
∞ The Royal Society of Medicine. Music as Medicine Conference. Keynote. Song as Medicine for Transforming Grief.
∞ Khiron House, England. One day staff training. Understanding and Deconstructing Power and Privilege.
∞ Elevate Children Funders Group. Trauma-Informed Grant-Making.
∞ The SHIFT Network. Social Emotional Learning Summit. Keynote.
∞ Kaiser Permanente. In-house event. In the Aftermath of AAPI Shootings: Understanding Why.
∞ Tidwell Social Services. Staff trainings. Refugee mental health.
∞ McSilver Institute for Poverty Policy and Research at New York University: AAPI cultural celebration through the expressive arts (team presentation).
∞ University of Toronto. Decolonizing Education: Healing as Political Work.
∞ Psychedelic Science Conference. One day workshop team presentation: Combining Psychodrama Structures with Ketamine.
∞ The Master Series Oxford. Keynote and workshop.
∞ University of Alaska, Student Success Convening keynote. The Impact of a Global Pandemic on Our Students.
∞ Embodied in Color Conference. Keynote. Embodied Practices for Ancestral Healing.
∞ ASKP3 (American Society of Ketamine Physicians, Psychotherapists & Practitioners) Annual Conference. Psychodrama Structures & Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy: A Complementary & Synergistic Approach (presentation with Dr Gita Vaid & Monica Windsor).
∞ Kodiak Alaska Native Association. Weekly staff trainings for 3 months.
∞ Trauma Research Foundation. Social Justice Summit. Keynote. Soulful Stories from a Former Child Refugee, Now Trauma Therapist.
∞ Event moderator. The Master Series: Imagination & Addiction, featuring Dr Gabor Maté, Professor David Nutt, and Dr Richard Schwartz.
∞ University of Toronto. SEEDS of Change: Settler Colonialism & Pedagogies of Liberation. Guest lecturer: Healing is Political.
∞ Event moderator. The Master Series: Connection, featuring Dr Kristin Neff, Dr Daniel J. Seigel, and Johann Hari.
∞ Event Moderator. Two-day workshop. The Compassionate Self: No Bad Parts, featuring Dr Richard Schwartz.
∞ Romanian Humanitarian Aide agency. Hope merchant for humanitarian aide workers.
∞ Trauma Research Foundation. TRF Tuesdays. Movement, Breath & Sound for Transforming Grief.
∞ Asian Mental Health Collective. Transformasian 2nd Annual Conference. Guided meditation. Panelist.
∞ British Association of Art Therapists, Annual General Meeting. Keynote.
∞ Chicago Minds. Continuing Education provider on topics related to trauma.
∞ State of Pennsylvania. Trauma-Informed Care Initiative. Presenter.
∞ Fairbanks North Star Borough School District’s Education Support Staff Association. In-service day. The Science of Addiction, and Addiction as a Family Disease.
∞ Tanana Chiefs Conference. Staff Behavioral Health Training. The Clinical Intersection of Grief and Trauma.
∞ Polyvagal Institute and Unyte-iLS. Safe & Sound Summit.
∞ CIIS Public Programs. Daylong workshop.
∞ Austin YWCA. Annual Mental Health Symposium. Keynote Speaker.
∞ PESI UK’s Transgenerational & Inherited Trauma Summit. Keynote. The clinical implications of father-daughter incest as a manifestation of compounded, despotic patriarchal structures of coercive control.
∞ Headspace. Content creator.
∞ PESI UK, 2nd Annual International Women and Trauma Conference. Unnameable Losses: The Ambiguous Grief of Adult Children of Refugees
∞ Dr Cathy Malchiodi & Collectively Rooted’s Collective Grief & Trauma Conference. Unnameable Losses: The Ambiguous Grief of Adult Children of Refugees.
∞ Dr Cathy Malchiodi’s yearlong expressive and embodied approaches to Reimagining Resilience and Self-Restoration. Somatic Experiments with the Core Wounding of Existence.
∞ California Institute of Integral Studies. Trauma Therapy, semester course. Guest lecturer.
∞ Fairbanks North Star Borough School District’s Education Support Staff Association: In-Service Day. Beyond ACES: Historical & Intergenerational Trauma and the Racialized Body. Beyond ACES: Adult Children of Traumatized Parents.
∞ Fairbanks Native Association’s Youth & Young Adult Services: Sponsored Zoom classes for the general community about trauma-informed care, healthy boundaries, effective communication, empowered relationships, laughter yoga, techniques for self-regulation and co-regulation.
∞ Asian Mental Health Collective panelist, From Monolith to Mosaic: Repainting the Asian Diaspora.
∞ Asian Mental Health Collective panelist, Redefining Wellness: Mental Health & The Environment.
∞ Transformasian - Virtual Conference by Asian Mental Health Collective. Culturally-relevant somatic mindfulness practice.
∞ Fairbanks Youth Summit, keynote speaker: Historical Trauma of Colonization
n Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, Nursing Education Department: Weekly classes in trauma-informed care, compassion fatigue resiliency and secondary traumatic stress, mindfulness
∞ Alaska Resilience Initiative for the Alaska Children’s Trust: Integrating Storytelling when working with Alaska Native individuals and communities.
n Fairbanks North Star Borough School District’s Education Support Staff Association: Weekly classes in trauma-informed care and communication skills
n Fairbanks Native Association Board of Directors: Trauma-informed care trainings
∞ Anderson Fire Department: Acute Stress, Vicarious Trauma and PTSD trainings
∞ Bread Line Inc. : 90 minute x 10 weeks series of classes for Bread Line staff and any interested members of the Fairbanks care-giving community focused on compassion fatigue resiliency: education, skills, community-building.
∞ Fairbanks Native Association’s Youth and Young Adult Services: Sponsored Zoom classes for the general community about trauma-informed care, healthy boundaries, effective communication, empowered relationships, laughter yoga, techniques for self-regulation and co-regulation
∞ Fairbanks Yoga: Meditation classes and Myofascial Release workshops
∞ Hangover Free Brunch, sponsored by Recover Alaska. Yoga, inspiration, and a daily meditation.
∞ Spruce Roots Dental, Annual employee appreciation retreat. Work-Life Balance & Self-Care.
∞ National Education Association, Alaska Chapter, month-long annual conference. Body Hacks to Calm the Nervous System. Resilience Upon Re-entry. The Five C’s of Mask-Wearing.
∞ Alaska Afterschool Network (a division of the Alaska Children’s Trust) Annual Conference. Productivity Hacks to Enhance Work-Life Satisfaction.
∞ Dr Bessel van der Kolk’s Experiencing the Body Keeps the Score workshop. Stuck in Survival: Somatic Experiments Towards Embodied Safeness.
∞ University of Alaska Fairbanks: University-wide trauma-informed care trainings open to all staff and students.
∞ Fairbanks Native Association: Building Resiliency in our Grandchildren
∞ Kaltag Community Wellness Day: Laughter, Movement & Storytelling
∞ Fairbanks Memorial Hospital, Nursing Education Department: Weekly classes in trauma-informed care, compassion fatigue resiliency and secondary traumatic stress, mindfulness
∞ Pacific Rim (for Fairbanks Wellness Court participants): Trauma, Addiction & Healing
∞ Fairbanks North Star Borough School District’s Education Support Staff Association: In-service day. 2 x half-day trainings in ACEs, trauma responses, self-care and nervous system regulation
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