The Voice Keeps the Score: Sound as a Portal to Embodiment Online Workshop

Event Details

CIIS Logo July 20th, 2024 - 12:00am - 12:00am

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July 20, 2024 CIIS Public Programs

The Voice Keeps the Score: Sound as a Portal to Embodiment.
Perhaps you caught Linda's 2 hour workshop at The Master Series Oxford in 2023, and want more. Perhaps you caught Linda's 90 minute workshop with The EmbodyLab back in January 2024. Perhaps you missed out on Linda's class series on this topic. Perhaps you're just late to the party......

Whatever the reason, it's ok! Come!

Linda has teamed up with CIIS Public Programs to offer a daylong workshop, The Voice Keeps the Score: Sound as a Portal to Embodiment.

Intended Audience:
The intended audience is anyone who has had struggles with and is seeking to reclaim their physical and metaphorical voice! This can express as challenges around authentic expression, particularly around the communication of needs and boundaries.

Particularly for femme folks, individuals in a body racialized by society, disabled bodies, neurodivergent bodies, individuals who were traumatized as children.

Because silence equals safety, it can feel extremely dangerous and activating for the nervous system when we begin the journey of exploring and reclaiming our voices, needs, and boundaries.
Perhaps you've been attending somatic workshops and boundaries workshops...and yet there's something missing when it comes to interpersonal effectiveness. It's the voice!

Workshop Description:
Having a voice is a fundamental part of being human and allows us to connect to others in healthy ways: to communicate our needs and desires; to speak up when expectations have not been met, or when boundaries are over-stepped; and to connect and to share our innermost worlds.

When escape from a life-threatening or attachment-threatening situation is impossible, the body and the psyche adapt to survive. These adaptations can endure, particularly if they are successful in ensuring survival of the body and/or of the attachment relationship. The absence of agency, protection and a compassionate witness takes away our capacity for agency, effective boundaries, authentic expression, and natural voice.
Trauma lodges in the body, mind, spirit, and in our voices.

Voicelessness becomes synonymous with choicelessness.

Don’t talk, don’t trust, don’t feel are survival adaptations.

We stifle the voice or any sound, and speaking is painful. Paradoxically – and understandably – many of us leave our bodies when we speak, or develop a part of self that takes on the role of speaking and interacting. Alternatively, for some of us, there was no one there to listen to us, in joy or in sadness or in fear…so we live and express as if in a vacuum.

Healing involves reconnecting to one’s capacity for vocalization in an embodied way, and starts with interoception of cues of safety. Sound vibration is our first experience of attunement and attachment - of safety - and can be accessed through intentional vocalization.

This part-experiential, part didactic workshop will be dynamically interactive and will delve into the exploration of sounds, vocalizations, and songs as portals to attachment, attunement and embodiment. There will be guidance through the various somatic cues that can enhance communication effectiveness.

Watch this space for registration details - or sign up for my monthly newsletter.

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